Virtual Event Guide In 2020

Owing to the novel coronavirus, many events have shifted from offline to online. Virtual events have become a popular type of event in the mainstream. No matter corporations or small businesses also utilise virtual mode to organise events such as conferences, career fairs, business trade shows and so on.

As a matter of fact, hosting a successful virtual event requires the same attention and effort as the physical event. From the simple definition to the details of event planning, this guide provides an overview of how to organise a fabulous online event. Keep reading to learn more about this prevalent virtual event.

Definition of Virtual Event

A virtual event which is also known as an online event is an event that individuals would experience fully online, instead of gathering in-person. One of the major differences between the offline and online event lies in the fact that the latter allows attendees to join remotely from all across the globe without the geographical barrier and other physical limitations.

5 main types of Virtual Event

Acara Virtual

1. Webinar

Webinars is a form of one-to-many communication, which can also mean a presenter can reach out to a specific group of online attendees from a single location. There are usually some interactive tools such as Q&A for participants to exchange their ideas and thoughts through verbal or non-verbal communications.

2. Virtual Conferences

Online conferences bear resemblance to webinars. The major difference is the scale of the event. The former usually include a large number of participants, whereas the latter targets a small number of attendees. Virtual conferences also involve engagement tools, helping the attendees capture leads and networking.

3. Virtual Annual General Meeting

Virtual AGM will allow your annual shareholders’ meeting to take place exclusively online, made possible even during the current pandemic period. Beyond the live webcast, the experience for shareholders is designed to be as close to a physical AGM as possible. Q&A, polling and other interactions with shareholders are conducted remotely and securely.

Acara Virtual RUPS

4. Virtual Trade Shows

Pameran dagang online (Virtual Exhibition) dapat dianggap sebagai jenis pameran online di mana barang dan jasa untuk industri tertentu diperagakan di bilik virtual yang berbeda. Ada juga beberapa platform yang dapat mendukung stan secara virtual yang menawarkan pengalaman acara yang imersif dan interaktif. Platform perlu mendukung banyak unggahan file, seperti pdf mp4 dan sebagainya.

5. Virtual Career Fair

Online career fairs can be viewed as virtual hiring events that are held online through a virtual platform where participants, namely the job seekers and the HR representatives from different corporations can connect and interact with each other so as to let the former get hold of the job information and openings.

Elemen penting

Organising a virtual event encompasses various elements. Although it does not require food and beverage, the video connectivity and quality are crucial. Some indispensable elements are listed as follows.

  • Event page
  • Event registration
  • Live video stability
  • Interactive sessions
  • Recorded content
  • Feedback questionnaires

Dasar-dasar perencanaan

When you are running the events, it is inevitable that there might be some minor slips appear. As the saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. We should get ourselves well-prepared with a comprehensive event management plan.

To commence, you need to first ask yourself a few questions like what are the KPIs for the event and how to fix some connectivity issues? Setting up some contingency plans are of paramount importance, especially for abrupt problems.

Selain itu, sebagai penyelenggara acara, hal penting lainnya adalah meningkatkan keterlibatan selama acara berlangsung. Seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, bagaimana memfasilitasi interaksi antar peserta menjadi sangat penting, karena Anda tidak ingin peserta merasa bosan.

Once the pandemic is not over, the trend of the virtual event will last for a certain amount of time. Even though virtual events have some limitations in comparison to in-person events, it unprecedentedly breaks the geographical barriers and time constraints. During these turbulent times, event professionals should have already got used to this new mode of event.

Talk to our event specialist and see how we can assist for a successful virtual event. V-cube Indonesia dan lihat bagaimana kami dapat membantu untuk mengadakan acara virtual yang sukses.

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