V-CUBE Learning

Apa itu V-CUBE Learning

V-CUBE Learning adalah Learning Management System (LMS) yang menggabungkan platform pelatihan dan belajar secara online. Sistem ini memungkinkan pemateri untuk mengunggah dan menyebarkan materi dalam bentuk elektronik untuk target pembelajar. Ragam materinya dapat berupa product knowledge, standard operating procedure, tugas akademik, dan lain-lain. Pembelajar dapat mengakses materi kapan saja, di mana saja dengan jangkauan internet. V-CUBE Learning merupakan solusi training online yang diinginkan.

Borderless Learning is made possible!

V-CUBE Learning

Online Course Builder

Conduct educational training programme online with no restrictions on time, location and group size.

Progression Report

Get live updates on the progress of your people, understand where they stand and guide them towards success.

Course Evaluation

Know what your people think about the learning materials and let they tell you how to boost them into high spirits.

Assessment / Quiz

Result speaks. Find out how well your people are doing and subsequently figure out what your next step should be.

Customized Layout

Tell us the requirements of your ideal LMS, we programme one that fits your specific needs perfectly.

Countless Device Types

Access to V-CUBE Learning through your laptop, desktop, mobile phone, or tablet, experience convenience at its best!

System Integration

Connect to V-CUBE Meeting or V-CUBE Seminar easily to manage multiple locations with minimal constraints.

File Compatibility

Create a dynamic learning environment with materials consisting of videos, recordings, documents and more.
Konten V-CUBE Learning

Anyone can create learning content

Expected results

  • Visualizing the ability to learn.
  • Optimize learning content creation.
  • Integrated training management
  • Sharing knowledge between users.


Fitur V-CUBE Learning

Easy content creation

You can create it in the browser without having to install the content creation tool.
With easy-to-understand operation, anyone can easily create learning content.

Pembelajaran V-CUBE Learning

Learning content

V-CUBE Learning dapat menyediakan konten pembelajaran seperti kuis, kuis video, dan pengiriman langsung.
* Preferred videos and live broadcasts are optional.

Supports a wide range of devices.

Can be used from devices such as PCs, tablets, smartphones, etc.

Real-time learning history verification

Kemajuan pembelajaran dapat dikonfirmasi secara real time dan dapat dikirim ke peringatan non-siswa. Anda juga dapat memeriksa status penggunaan sistem Anda, seperti informasi login.

SNS function

Communication like sharing of ideas and knowledge among users is possible besides comments, then attachments of PowerPoint, animations etc. are possible.

No need to install

You can study without downloading a specific application. You can study in an environment that is connected to the internet by everyone.
* For live delivery, install it.

Specially programmed

V-CUBE Learning menjadi Solusi Lengkap untuk Perusahaan Anda


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