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Case Study

Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) was formed by Presidential Decree No. 236 of 1963 concerning LAPAN on November 27, 1963. The National Aeronautics and Space Institute called LAPAN is a non-ministerial government institution that is subordinate and responsible to the President through the minister in charge of government affairs in the field of research and technology aerospace.
How LAPAN use V-CUBE Meeting?

- LAPAN has a satellite launch program throughout the year
- They also need facilities for coordination meetings.
- The V-CUBE Meeting helps to monitor the progress of the program.

Hasanuddin University inaugurated since 1956, starting from before in the city of Makassar in 1947 it has been established as the Faculty of Economics which is a branch of the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia (UI) Jakarta. As an educational institution that cares about technological advancements, Unhas has been using V-cube services since July 2013.
How Hasanuddin University use V-CUBE Meeting?

Hasanuddin University has a development program to invite lecturers from abroad.
For the effectiveness and efficiency of students and lecturers, they use the V-CUBE Meeting service in regular audiotorium classroom.
Every year, Hasanuddin University organizes a Real Work Lecture program to advance disadvantaged areas. V-CUBE Meeting helps students to report the results of monitoring in the field to the lecturer at any time and anywhere.

PT Sharp Electronics Indonesia (SEID) began in 1970 when Sharp Corporation signed a cooperation agreement with PT Yasonta to become a Marketing Agent and an Assembly Plant for TV and Audio products in Indonesia. PT Yasonta established its first Assembly Plant for TV and Audio products on Jl. Swadaya IV, Pulogadung, East Jakarta with an area of 89,367m2. Currently, SEID dominates the market for household appliances such as refrigerators, LED TVs and washing machines.
How SHARP use V-CUBE Meeting?

SEID regularly holds meetings on Monday morning with 35 branches throughout Indonesia
In addition, meetings are always scheduled in the SEID internal portal for various inter-departmental needs.
Coordination of joint work programs between SHARP Corporation in Japan and SEID Headquarters in Karawang, West Java.

Bank Mega started from a family owned business called PT. Bank Karman which was founded in 1969 and based in Surabaya, subsequently in 1992 changed its name to PT. Mega Bank and relocating the Central Office to Jakarta.
How Bank Mega use V-CUBE Meeting and V-CUBE Box?

Bank Mega has a Video Conference room provided by the company to hold meetings and training.
Each department has a special day and time to conduct meetings with the assistance of video conference operators.
The V-Cube Box makes it easy to use document meetings and presentations.

Bank Woori Saudara awalnya didirikan pada tanggal 18 April 1906 dengan nama Himpunan Saudara. Seiring perjalanan waktu pada tahun 2014 nama PT Bank Himpunan Saudara 1906 Tbk berubah menjadi PT Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk dengan nama komersialnhya Bank Woori Saudara (BWS).
Bagaimana BWS Menggunakan V-CUBE Meeting ?
Bank Woori Saudara berkantor pusat di Jakarta dan memiliki 157 Kantor Cabang.
Setiap Hari tim dari BWS melakukan Meeting rutin antar kantor Cabang utama.

BSrE (Balai Sertifikasi Elektronik) BSrE merupakan unit pelaksana teknis di Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN) yang mempunyai tugas melaksanakan pemberian layanan penerbitan dan pengelolaan sertifikat elektronik.
Bagaimana BSrE Menggunakan V-CUBE Meeting ?
Balai Sertifikasi Elektronik menyelenggarakan layanan sertifikasi elektronik (Certification Authority) untuk instansi-instansi penyelenggara negara.
BSrE membutuhkan Platform untuk meeeting secara online dimana platform ini harus bisa diinstall secara On-Premise untuk menjaga keamanan Data.